It's official! The tickets are being purchased this week. I think it's starting to sink in that I am really doing this. (Pray that the during the next few weeks, I will be able to focus on school in the midst of the excitement.)
I remember leaving Africa on my last trip. Our plane was still on Rwandan soil and we were waiting to take off. I told Alyssa (a 2007 team member and wonderful friend) that God was already preparing me to return... and He never stopped. This has been my dream for the past year and a half. My prayer has been "Lord, if this is not your will, make it obvious". He has done the opposite- He has made it obvious that this IS His plan for my summer.
Thank you to everyone who has already begun to support me. God has really used you all to teach me how incredibly big He is.
In case you did not receive this, here is a copy of my support letter and a little more info about the trip.
I hope this letter finds you all doing well. I am now well into my second semester at Texas A&M (after transferring from SHSU last summer). I am majoring in nutrition and still have no idea where God will lead me with that. Between school and church activities, I usually stay pretty busy and I’m loving every minute of it!
Now that spring break has come and gone, I am looking forward to summer. This year, I have been given the opportunity to go back to
Melissa and I will be involved in several ministries while we are there. In the mornings, we will be teaching English, Bible, and PE at a church preschool. Our afternoons and evenings will be devoted to evangelism, leading, and training. More specifically, we will be leading a topical Bible study of basic Bible doctrine for women’s groups at 4 different locations. We will also be able to follow up with many of the children that are currently being sponsored by One27. On the weekends, we will be able to travel into villages for church services and evangelism. It is possible that a team will come over for 3 weeks in July and focus on village evangelism, similar to the previous trips I have been on. Melissa and I may be spending some time with the team as well.
I find it hard to put into words my love for the people of this country. I am filled with joy to think of the opportunity to share God’s great love with them again. As I prepare spiritually, mentally and physically, I would like to ask you to partner with me in prayer for this mission endeavor. Pray that God will be glorified in every aspect of this trip and that His will may be fulfilled. Pray that I will be adequately trained and prepared for the work we will take part in. Pray for our safety as we travel into this country. Most importantly, pray that the Holy Spirit will work in the lives of those we will meet and that the lost would come to know Him.
I would also like to ask you to partner with me financially. My trip will cost about $4,000, with the majority of that going to plane tickets and my transportation while I am there. Pray that I would trust God completely with the financial aspect of this trip.
I am excited about what God is doing in my life and what He will do through this trip. Thank you in advance for your prayers and support. You are all a huge part of this journey in my life.