Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Well, we didn't make it to London in time. (We didn't really think we would.)

The new plan is to arrive in Houston (still via Chicago) at 10pm on Wednesday. In reality, this is only 3 or 4 hours later than we had origianally thought. Not too bad.

We're both SUPER ready to get home, so pray for the rest of our traveling!
Thank you all for your prayers! Continue to pray for my back. (More specifically, you can pray that I get an aisle seat this time. I had a middle seat on our last flight and was only able to get up and move once during the 9 hour flight, so I'm hurting a bit now.)

Love and miss you all!
See you soon!


Carol said...

I'm proud of you! A delay like this is hard when you are so ready to be home. But, you sound very patient & optimistic. I'm disappointed about the change, but can't wait to see you at 10!
I love you! Hang in there!

Natalie said...

I was sorry to hear you had been delayed, Katy as I can only imagine how ready you are to be home! I just know God's Hand is over all of this and will pray that He continues to guide and protect you as you make the trip home.

Love & Hugs,
