Saturday, August 2, 2008

our trip in pictures

I thought I would try to be productive with the time I have recovering from surgery. (Recovery is going well. I'm getting to the point where I have to be really careful not to overdo it because I feel like I can, but my body certainly isn't ready for that. Slowly but surely, though.)

Here are a few (of many) pictures from our trip.

The school where we taught.

After our lesson on creation, the children drew pictures of things God made
Students from Alpha Omega donated school supplies for the children we taught.

I spent my summer loving on these kids.

Because they do not have many school supplies, they teach the children through games, songs and chants.

Visiting a small group.

Sewing project in Kabuga

Girls at the youth conference

Women's small group. These women are amazing.

Bible study group with the Bibles we gave them

Small group

Greetings to bring to America


We had traditional dresses made and wore them to church the last Sunday that we were there.

I have been asked to present my trip during the evening service at church sometime soon.
I am very excited about sharing my trip with those of you who made it possible.
I will update again when I know the date.


Natalie said...

Hey Katy!! I tear up just looking at these pictures and the ones on your facebook and thinking about what a lasting impact you made on the lives of the people there! They are such great pictures!! Thanks for sharing them!

And please...DO let me know when you'll be talking about your trip at church so I can be sure to be there!

Oh, and I think I already told you but in case I just thought about it and never said it...Happy belated birthday! :) Hope it was fabulous!

Anonymous said...

Heyy Katy! This is Libbi.. we met while we were both in Africa in June, You and Melissa went out to dinner with the our group, remember? Anyway, I found your blog and thought I'd say hi and connect. Hope God is stretching you, even now that you're home. : )

-Libbi Mayer