Friday, July 25, 2008

Out of surgery

If you read my last blog, you probably realized that it was not actually me typing, but my dad. He's great, love him! :)

Now it is really me and I am typing from my hospital bed. I'm hooked up to all kinds of things, so typing isn't really easy and this will be short.

I'm feeling really well now (who wouldn't be when you're being pumped with Morphine?). :) The fam is taking great care of me. I'll probably fall asleep soon as this has been quite an exhausting morning and jet lag is still having its effects.

If you are reading this from College Station, I'd LOVE it if you get a chance to come visit. (I'm at the Physician's Center, down University, across Hwy 6, almost to Hwy 30).

Thank you all for praying!

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Figured it was someone else posting for you, Katy! God bless your Dad! :)

I'm actually very impressed your up to typing NOW but I'm glad to know that everything is going well.

Get some rest and know you are being prayed for. And thank your dad for the early update. ;)

Hugs, Natalie