Friday, July 25, 2008

recovery time

It is about 10:30 on Friday morning. Since I am still asleep from the anesthesia, this blog entry will be pretty short. They rolled me in to surgery about 8:00 this morning. They had given me something to relax me before surgery, so I was a little sassy with the doctors and nurses. I was quite the talker. The anesthesiologist suggested that since I just got back from Africa a couple of days ago, I should consider putting this off to make sure I did not bring home a bug or amoeba. I told him that was not going to happen, so let's get this going. Then Dr.Briner came in and we talked for a few minutes, than they wheeled me on out to surgery. It took about 2 hours. Dr. Briner just went into my room and told my Mom and Dad and Kahler and my grandparents that it all went well. I should be waking up soon - they will wheel me into the room where everyone will be really glad to see me. I hope I am not too sick or groggy, because my Mom may not handle that very well. When I am good and awake, I will send someone out for ice cream. That will help me get well faster. I hope to be home by tomorrow, so you can come see me when you get a chance. Well, I should be waking up soon, so I will blog again when I get a chance.


Natalie said...

Glad to hear everything went well, Katy! I'll continue praying that your recovery is a speedy one!

Much Love, Natalie

Judi K Stone said...

Bill, you're a hoot!