Tuesday, July 8, 2008

we're not slowing down!

Thank you all for your faithful prayers. God is answering them daily!

Since I updated last Thursday, we have been busy planning out these last 2 weeks. (I cannot believe that we will be getting back on a plane 2 weeks from today!)

Last Friday, we all celebrated American Independence Day while we also celebrated Rwandan Liberation Day. Since the whole city pretty much shuts down for holidays, we went to the American Embassy 4th of July party and had hamburgers! It was nice to be with some other people who also spoke English.

Saturday was Election Day. Apparently, voting is a very long (and important) process here. Again, the whole city shut down Saturday morning. We had a meeting with Esron Saturday afternoon about these last 2 weeks. It went VERY well and it looks like we will be quite busy.

We did not go to church Sunday because I woke up sick. (Not to worry- it only lasted the day and I am feeling much better now! Pray for our continued health.) Also, pray for Esron as he left on Sunday and will be traveling for a while.

Yesterday started the last week of school before their holiday. The teachers are giving exams in the mornings and we are spending one last hour in each class each day. The children, like children anywhere, are extra energetic this week, as it is the last week before their break. Not only do the children have extra energy, but I've felt a little wired myself! (And by this point in the trip, that is a blessing! Thanks for praying.)

Today, after school, we went to the home of a teacher who has been out sick for several weeks. From what we understand, she had a miscarriage and has been in the hospital and is now recovering. Please pray for her (her name is Providence). She is such a sweet, sweet woman and cares deeply for her students. Melissa and I have grown to love her. It was very good to see her and visit with her. She is doing much better now, its just hard for her to travel. She made us a huge lunch and for 'desert', we were each given a cereal bowl full of peanuts. We both ate until it hurt and she was very happy.

Here is a little summary of what we THINK the rest of our trip will look like. (Of course, TIA: "this is africa!")
In the school tomorrow and Thursday, like usual.
Wednesday: Women's small group, like usual.
Thursday: Bible study with Mary (We saw her yesterday and she is doing much better. We are looking forward to meeting with these women again.)
Friday: Bible study with Dorcas (It has taken 4 weeks, but we are scheduled to work with them!)
Saturday: Bible study in Remera, like usual.
Sunday: Visiting a women's conference with Kezia (Esron's wife) in a village not too far from Kigali. (We are very excited about this.)
Mon-Wed: Teaching Bible studies at a youth 'conference' in the mornings at Remera.
Wednesday: Small group
Thursday: Bible study with Mary
Friday: Dorcas Project
Saturday: Bible study at Remera

We also have many 'last minute' things to do (such as meeting with Esron again, telling people goodbye...) that we will be working into this time as well. Pray that we stay energized and focused on our purpose! God is so good!

Love you all!


Rebecca said...

This is going to be the hard part. Your not saying goodbye to some people that are so important in your life-but your actually saying so long for awhile but that is so very hard. So my prayer for you in these next two weeks will not only be for strength and safety but for strength and courage to finish what has been given to you. To be able to leave behind people that are your brothers and sisters in Christ. I'm sitting here bawling while I write this so I'd better stop but I know so well that you understand.

We are anxious to see pictures and hear from you on your journey.


Natalie said...

Continuing to pray for you and Melissa daily, Katy!

I pray that these last weeks are filled continuously with His spirit and His strength as you get ready to leave. May you make the most of the time left there. And may you know even NOW that hearts and lives have been changed FOR ETERNITY because of YOU!

Love and Hugs, Natalie

Carol said...

I sense energy & excitement in your latest posting. I can only imagine how hard it will be to prepare to leave these people you've grown to know & love this summer. I do believe you'll be back, though.
Here @ home, we're ready to have our girl back w/ us. Be careful & finish strong!
I love you, Mom

Judi K Stone said...

Well, Katy Bug, I sure do wish I was with you girls! But God has each of us a plan and a plateful. I'll be praying that you will finish strong in every sense of the word (Word)...strong in faith, strong in love, strong in the Word, resolved to do each day for Jesus whether in Rwanda or here. Oh, how difficult to leave these dear dear people! And yet, that is what is before you in God's plans. But first...today. Love you! Judi